ABAZARI, Tarlan, POTVIN, André, GOSSELIN, Louis et DEMERS, Claude (Soumis). An architectural design framework to integrate biophilic intermdediate spaces into Arctic housing. Journal of Building Engineering, x(x).
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BOULIANNE, Manon, DELUCINGE, Nicolas, TÉTREAULT, Marie-Joëlle, DESPRÉS, Carole et THÉRIAULT, Marius (En soumission). Pratiques d’approvisionnement et forme urbaine: le cas de l'alimentation de proximité dans la Communauté Métropolitaine de Québec . Canadian Journal of Urban Research, x(x).
CHAGNON, Pascale, AUDATE, Pierre Paul et CLOUTIER, Geneviève (Soumis). The Impact of Relocation Processes on People Facing Socio-Territorial Iniquities: A Scoping Review Protocol. Campbell Systematic Reviews, x(x).
ESPINOZA SUAREZ, N., DESROSIERS, F., PROKOP, L., DUPÉRÉ, Sophie et DIALLO, Thierno (Soumis). Exploring the Integration of Equity, inclusion of diverse voices, and Sustainability in Urban Green Space Decision-Making: A Scoping Review Protocol. BMJ Open, x(x).
ESPINOZA-SANHUEZA, Carolina, HÉBERT, Marc, LALONDE, Jean-François et DEMERS, Claude (Soumis). Spatial attributes of biophilic architecture: evaluating the impact of surface colors in indoors under daylight and electrical lighting. Color Research and Application (Wiley) , x(x).
ESPINOZA-SANHUEZA, Carolina, HÉBERT, Marc, LALONDE, Jean-François et DEMERS, Claude (Soumis). Towards an image assessment method to predict potential effects of biophilic light and color in architecture. Intelligent Buildings International (Taylor and Francis), x(x).
GARCÍA DE PAREDES, Pablo, BARON, Marie, LEBLANC, Annie, RAMADIER, Thierry et DESPRÉS, Carole (Soumis). Women's adaptations, experiences, and meanings of home during the pandemic: The influence of residential situations and digital technology. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Special Is(x).
GARCÍA DE PAREDES, Pablo, CORTEZ GHIO, Sergio, BARON, Marie, LEBLANC, Annie et DESPRÉS, Carole (Soumis). The contribution of residential situations to mental health during COVID-19: A longitudinal survey. Health and Place, x(x).
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TABATABAEIFARD, Seyed Amin, OUELLET, Denis, LALONDE, Jean-François, HÉBERT, Marc, POTVIN, André et DEMERS, Claude (Soumis). Introducing an Immersive Capturing System for Representing Light and Heat in Remote Indoor Environments. VIRTUAL REALITY, x(x).
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FRADETTE, Marie-Stéphanie, BOURQUE, S., RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et CHARRETTE, S. (Sous presse). Year-round monitoring of three water sources in Québec, Canada, reveals site-specific differences in conditions for Cryptosporidium and Giardia contamination. Canadian Journal of Microbiology , x(x).
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MALEKI, Mahnoush, PELLETIER, Geneviève, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et FARMANI, R. (Sous presse). Adaptative water quality management in water distribution systems by optimizing control valves and chlorination booster stations. Urban Water Journal, x(x).
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SHABANPOUR, Negar, RAZAVI TERMEH, V. et SADEGHI-NIARAKI, A. (Sous presse). GIS-based machine learning algorithms for spatial prediction of cutaneous leishmaniasis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, x(x).
GAGNÉ, Vincent et LAVOIE, Claude (Sous presse). Efficient and rapid control of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) by combining benthic mats and hand pulling. Invasive Plant Science and Management , x(x).
DES ROSIERS, François et TOSSOU, Bienvenu (À paraître). Landslide Hazards, Public Intervention and Property Values –The Case of Saguenay, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Regional Science - La revue Canadienne de sciences régionales, x(x), p.27.
HOUDE-TREMBLAY, Émilie, CLOUTIER, Geneviève, MCCLINTOCK, Nathan et OLIVIER, Alain (À paraître). Leveraging agroecology through new municipalism: lessons from Madrid, Spain. Agriculture and Human Values, x(x).
VAN NESTE, Sophie, MADÉNIAN, H., HOUDE-TREMBLAY, Émilie et CLOUTIER, Geneviève (À paraître). Climate urbanism and the politics of experimentation. Urban Geography, x(x).
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GARCÍA DE PAREDES, Pablo (Accepté). Urban representation before and after the COVID lockdown in Panamá City. Revista Filosofía y Sociedad, x(x).
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LALANDE, Philippe, DEMERS, Claude, LALONDE, Jean-François, POTVIN, André et HÉBERT, Marc (2020). Spatial representations of melanopic light in architecture.Architectural Science Review, 64(x), p.552-533. doi : 10.1080/00038628.2020.1785383
VILLENEUVE, Dominic, FULLEMANN, Y., DREVON, G., MOREAU, V., VUILLE, F. et KAUFMANN, Vincent (2020). Future Urban Charging Solutions for Electric Vehicles.European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 20(4), p.78-102. doi : 10.18757/ejtir.2020.20.4.5315