Marie-Pier Champagne

Marie-Pier Champagne

Étudiante au doctorat en ATDR
ÉSAD, Université Laval



  • Impact des infrastructures de transport sur les décisions de localisation des entreprises.
    » Direction :Jean Dubé
    » Direction :Diego Legros

Formation académique

  • Maîtrise, Économie, Université Laval, 2021
  • Stage, Économique, Université Laval, 2018
  • Baccalauréat, Économie, Université Laval, 2018


  • Bourse, Bourse postdoctorale Banting, CRSH, 2023-2024

Publications, communications et créations des 5 dernières années

Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture

Article de vulgarisation scientifique

Communications scientifiques

  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et LEGROS, Diego (2023). The impact of light rail transit on firms’ survival: The case of Dijon’s tramway. 70th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association (15 November 2023 - 18 November 2023), San Diego, États-Unis.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et LEGROS, Diego (2023). Walk with me: Exploring the role of pedestrianization on the commercial gentrification of nearby neighbourhood. 70th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association (14 November 2023 - 18 November 2023), San Diego, États-Unis.
  • AÌKOUS, M., DUBÉ, Jean, BRUNELLE, Cédric et CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier (2022). Does Highway Expansion Influence New Economic Development (and Sprawl)? Evidence from a Quasi-experiment in the Montréal Metropolitan Area using Land Use Change. Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre’s Visiting Speaker Series (11 May 2022), Cork, Irlande.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et LEGROS, Diego (2022). The Impact of Public Transit on Firms' Survival: the Case of the Laval Subway. 69th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association ( 9 November 2022 - 12 November 2022), Montreal, Canada.
  • AÌKOUS, M., DUBÉ, Jean, BRUNELLE, Cédric et CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier (2021). Does Highway Expansion Impact Land Use Changes? Answer from the case of the Autoroute 30 in the South Montreal Metropolitan Area. CFE-CM Statistics Conference (18 December 2021), London, Royaume-Uni.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et LEGROS, Diego (2021). Standing Strong? The Impact of Public Transit on Firms: A Survival Analysis. 68th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association (10 November 2021 - 13 November 2021), Denver, États-Unis.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier (2019). The Impact of Public Transport on Firms’ Location Decisions: The Case of the Laval Subway. North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) (13 November 2019 - 16 November 2019), Pittsburgh, États-Unis.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et BARLA, Philippe (2019). The Impact of Public Transport on Location Decisions and Economic Activities: The Case of the Montreal Metro. 66th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association (13 November 2019 - 16 November 2019), Pittsburgh, États-Unis.

Conférences sur invitation

  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et BARLA, Philippe (2023). Build it and they will come : Comment de nouvelles stations de métro influencent-elles les constructions immobilières. Colloque Annuel de l’Association du Transport urbain du Québec (ATUQ) , Lévis, Canada.
  • CHAMPAGNE, Marie-Pier, DUBÉ, Jean et BARLA, Philippe (2022). Impact de l’extension du métro de Montréal (Laval) sur la construction immobilière. Midi-conférence de la Ville de Québec (20 June 2022), Québec, Canada.