Cynthia Compaore
- Adaptation aux changements climatiques des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau potable depuis la source jusqu'au robinet
» Direction :Manuel J Rodriguez
» Codirection :Sonja Behmel
Équipe de recherche
Publications, communications et créations des 5 dernières années
Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, DELPLA, Ianis, BEHMEL, Sonja et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2025). Perceptions and Attitudes of Drinking Water Supply Systems Staff Towards Climate Change Adaptation for Drinking Water Quality Management. Environmental Processes, 12(8). doi : 10.1007/s40710-025-00749-3#citeas
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, BEHMEL, Sonja, DELPLA, Ianis et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2024). Review of climate change and drinking water supply systems: employee perspectives and potential tools for adaptation. Environmental Reviews, 32(1), p.42-67. doi : 10.1139/er-2023-0052
Communications scientifiques
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, BEHMEL, Sonja, DELPLA, Ianis et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2023). How drinking water systems manage to climate change adapt from source to tap?. AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (11 June 2023 - 14 June 2023), Toronto, Canada.
- RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, DELPLA, Ianis, COMPAORE, Cynthia et ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian (2023). Climate changes impacts on drinking water supply and adaptation strategies. The Water Security and Climate Change (WSCC) Conference (21 November 2023 - 23 November 2023), Cuenca, Équateur.
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2022). Adaptation aux Changements climatiques des systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau potable (SAEP) de la source au robinet. 36th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research ( 4 November 2022), Québec, Canada.
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, BEHMEL, Sonja et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2021). Climate variability and drinking water quality: Impacts and adaptation. Leaders and People 2021 Virtual Symposium: Environmental Research and Career Training (20 July 2021 - 22 July 2021)
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2021). Adaptation of Drinking Water Supply Systems to Climate Change, from Source to Tap. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition ( 7 October 2021 - 10 October 2021), Tacoma, États-Unis.
- COMPAORE, Cynthia, BEHMEL, Sonja et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2020). Adaptation des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau aux impacts des changements climatiques de la source au robinet. 1er Symposium Virtuel de l’Est du Canada ( 6 November 2020)