15 mars 2025
7 février 2014 - 12h
Par Luis Huesca, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (Mexique)
Cette conférence sera présentée en anglais.
Consumption of water is costly for many developing countries. Many reasons affect the low fundraising in the consumption of water for domestic purposes, such as: Measurement deficiency from delivered volumes, billing and lack of payment for users from several social strata, among other reasons. There are arguments that failure to pay is due mainly from the low income users, but also because the service is not good and fails to have the minimum standards. This study identifies household users in a city of the north of the country who do not pay the water service due to the condition of poverty in which they live, even if the tariff structure is progressively designed so that, those who have less income and consume less, should pay less. An overdue amount of 14.7 million of dollars (USD) is the result for the last 5 years. The average annual rain precipitation is 320mm which is low for a population that exceeds 800 thousand inhabitants. The Office of public water service has provided the data base of users and for those with an overdue for more than 3 consecutive months; we have calculated the distribution of users by consumption and its spatial distribution in the village using both, its own hydrometric areas and by its area of residence having identified those who are really poor for its socio-economic conditions. Recommendations are given.
Cette activité aura lieu le vendredi 7 février 2014 à midi, au local FAS-1613. Les conférences-midi de l’ÉSAD et du CRAD sont ouvertes au public.
Le pavillon Félix-Antoine-Savard (FAS) est situé au 2325, rue des Bibliothèques, sur le campus de l’Université Laval.
Pour de plus amples informations, contactez Marie-Pier Bresse à marie-pier.bresse@crad.ulaval.ca ou au 418 656-2131 poste 15241.